Sunday, October 12, 2008

Horario de Missas (*)


Paróquia Santo Agostinho
De 2ª a sábado: 07:30 e 18:00
Domingo: 08:30; 10:30 (missa das crianças);
17:30; 19:00 (missa dos jovens)
Paroquia Santa Teresa de Jesus
Terças a sextas: 19h Sábados: 16:30
Domingos: 7:30hs, 10hs e 18:30
Igreja Nossa Senhora do Parto
Segundas, Quartas e Sextas:
8:00, 12:00, 13:30, 17:00, 18:30
Terças e Quintas:
8:00, 12:20, 13:30, 17:00, 18:30
Convento Santo Antônio
Segunda, quarta e sexta-feira: 8,9,10,11,12,30,18h.
Terça-feira: 7,8,9,10,11,12,15,17,18h.
Sábado: 8,9,10 e 16h
Domingo: 10 h
Igreja Sagrado Coração de Jesus Arraial do Cabo
Domingo: 9:30 19:30


Paroquia Santa Teresa de Jesusároco: Padre Silmar Alves Fernandes
Fale com o pároco:
Horário das Missas
Terças a sextas: 19h
Sábados: 16:30hs
Domingos: 7:30hs, 10hs e 18:30hs
Endereço: Rua Áurea, 71
Santa Teresa - RJ
Telefone: (21) 2224-2809

Paróquia Santo Agostinho
Rua Paulo Moreno, 22 - Novo Leblon
De 3ª a sábado das 14:00 às 20:00 horas
Telefone: 2438-4823 MISSAS
De 2ª a sábado: 07:30 e 18:00 horas
Domingo: 08:30; 10:30 (missa das crianças); 17:30; 19:00 (missa dos jovens)
De 2ª a 6ª: a partir das 15:00 horas ou durante as missas. É aconselhável telefonar para agendar.
Domingo: durante as missas

Igreja Nossa Senhora do Parto
Segundas, Quartas e Sextas:
8:00, 12:00, 13:30, 17:00, 18:30
Terças e Quintas:

8:00, 12:20, 13:30, 17:00, 18:30
Terapia do Espirito - Terças - 14:30
Terço 18:00
Terço dos Homens - Quartas - 1800
Missa com Benção do Santíssimo e Canção Nova - Quintas - 13:30
Missa de Cura Interior - Sextas - 12:00
Missa Mães e Gestantes - Dia 18 - 13:30

Convento Santo Antônio
Segunda, quarta e sexta-feira: 8,9,10,11,12,30,18h.
Terça-feira: 7,8,9,10,11,12,15,17,18h.
Sábado: 8,9,10 e 16h
Domingo: 10 h
Largo da Cariocas, s/n - Centro
CEP. 20050-020
Tel. (21) 2262-0129 / 2262-1201 / 2240-7894
Fax (21) 2262-3772

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mother Teresa - No more Meetings

Mother Teresa: How much does a bottle of water like this cost?

Waiter: $3.00.

Mother Teresa: $3.00? With $3.00 I can send a child to school for a whole year.

Mr. Forster: Mother, the problems facing us today are immense. We must approve these decisions by a majority vote. We must vote.

Mother Teresa: I understand.

Mr. Forster: Mother, it is in the statute.

Mother Teresa: It was in the statute. But as from today, this association no longer exists.

Mr. Forster: Mother, that is unlawful.

Mother Teresa: Close the bank accounts, no more magazines, no more hotels, no more meetings. We are going back to our roots. Back to being with the poor. Poor among the poor.

Mr. Forster
: Father, you cannot allow this to happen. You must react. She has just canceled the good work of the last 30 years of your life.

Father Serrano: It's true. That is true. It's taken 30 years for me to understand she's right.

[Extracted from the movie Madre Teresa - 01:48:40h]

Madre Teresa - Drop in the Ocean

Madre Teresa: Everything we do is just a drop in the ocean. But if we don't do it, that drop will be missing forever.

[Extracted from the movie Madre Teresa - 01:47:55h]

Madre Teresa - Life

Madre Teresa: Life is life. Let us defend it always and with a smile. Helping the weakest, the poor, the sick, the old. Defend our children from the culture of indifference and death. Defend life right from conception to death. And if someone isn't able or capable to do it, entrust it to me. Let us pray.

[Extracted from the movie Madre Teresa - 01:42:30h]

Madre Teresa - Suffering

Father Van Exem: I've been looking for you everywhere.

Madre Teresa
: When I speak to people about God's love, about his presence among the poor, my words give courage, and I smile. But in my heart of hearts, I cannot smile. There is only darkness.

Father Van Exem: In your words, I sense the suffering of Christ. Everyone has a night of darkness to get through. But in your actions I see His love.

[Extracted from the movie Madre Teresa - 01:40:00h]

Madre Teresa - Employer

Homeless: Are you looking for someone?

Mother Teresa: Yes.

Homeless: Who?

Mother Teresa: My Lord.

Homeless: Do you work for him?

Mother Teresa: Yes. For Him.

Homeless: And is he happy with your work?

Mother Teresa: I don't know.

Homeless: Why do you want to see Him?

Mother Teresa: Because I feel lost without Him.

Homeless: Go in peace. A good employer never forgets those who work for him.

[Extracted from the movie Madre Teresa - 01:27:00h]

Mother Teresa - Resting

Physician: Mother, your heart is in a bad shape. It could fail at any moment unless you rest for a while.

Mother Teresa: I have the whole of eternity for resting.

[Extracted from the movie Madre Teresa - 01:14:00h]

Madre Teresa - Hunger

Madre Teresa: In Calcutta all we need is a little rice and some medicine. But here they suffer a worse kind of hunger. Here they hunger for love.

Sister: We are needed in the rich world too.

[Extracted from the movie Madre Teresa - 01:13:00h]

Madre Teresa - Road is Long

Madre Teresa: This is only the beginning. The road is long and full of danger.

[Extracted from the movie Madre Teresa - 00:54:20h]

Madre Teresa - Joy in your Hearts

Madre Teresa: Never forget the joy in your hearts and in your eyes. Wherever a real Christian goes, he brings joy.

[Extracted from the movie Madre Teresa - 00:52:00h]

Madre Teresa - No Difference

Madre Teresa: For me there is no difference. A Christian must be a good Christian, a Muslim must be a good Muslim and a Hindu must be a good Hindu.

[Extracted from the movie Madre Teresa - 00:42:00h]

Madre Teresa - Hope

Father Van Exem: The Missionaries of Charity shall live as poor among the poor. If ever they possess something, it'll be to house abandoned children, lepers and the dying. Is that right?

Madre Teresa: Yes, that's right.

Father Van Exem: You, too, will observe the three vows of chastity, poverty and obedience.

Madre Teresa: I would like to include a forth vow. To give hope to those who have lost it and to recognize the face of the Lord in those who suffer. This is our vocation.

[Extracted from the movie Madre Teresa - 00:40:00h]

Madre Teresa - Strength

Atul: Mother Teresa. I was looking all over for you.

Madre Teresa
: Not everybody is so pleased to see me.

Atul: Virginia told me you were here.

Madre Teresa
: I am happy to see you.

: Well, these are my first wages. I wanted you to have them.

Madre Teresa
: You are the ones who give me strength.

[Extracted from the movie Madre Teresa - 00:40:20h]

Madre Teresa - Wait and Pray

Father Van Exxen: We can only wait and pray.

Madre Teresa
: Let's pray and forget about waiting. Mother Superior has given me permission to join Sister Stephanie in the forest of Patna. I can learn a little about medicine there and treating the sick. It might be useful.

[Extracted from the movie Madre Teresa - 00:18:50h]

Madre Teresa - God Will

Madre Teresa: If things happen, it's because the Lord wants them to happen. If they don't, it means He doesn't. It's so simple.

[Extracted from the movie Madre Teresa - 00:17:05h]